Martial Arts (PEMA)

PEMA 115 Self-Defense

Self-defense is more than learning how to fight; the three As of self-defense: awareness, assessment, and action. The main theme is prevention. Work with a partner in class to create different situations for physical response.

PEMA 116 Women, Trans, and Non-Binary Self-Defense (2 credits)

In a holistic approach to self-defense and sexual assault prevention, this course teaches both physical and verbal strategies and techniques. Physical skill content includes the three A’s of self-defense: awareness, assessment, and action. The awareness and empowerment content includes boundary setting, de-escalation, verbal strategies, assertiveness, and healthy relationship skills. All self-identified women and non-binary people who are comfortable in a space centered around experiences of those who identify as or may be perceived as women are welcome. Course format: two weekly activity sessions and one weekly empowerment session.

PEMA 199 Special Studies: Boxing

Learn and practice boxing.

PEMA 255 Kickboxing

Combines the best martial arts from around the world including Thai kickboxing, western boxing, savate, and more. Train feet, hands, knees and elbows, as well as kickboxing-specific conditioning.

PEMA 311 and 312 Jeet Kune Do I and II

A combative activity that incorporates striking, kicking, grappling, limb immobilization techniques and weaponry. Conceptual basis and history of Jeet Kune Do and Filipino martial arts.

PEMA 321 and 322 Jiu Jitsu I and II

A combative activity that incorporates exercises, throwing and falling techniques, grappling, escapes, holds, and learning to maintain a safe position.

PEMA 331 Mixed Martial Arts I

Combines Muay Thai Kickboxing, wrestling, and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

PEMA 332 Mixed Martial Arts II

More intermediate and advanced skills from Mixed Martial Arts  I, this is a faster paced class with light sparing and conditioning. Prereq: PEMA 331 Mixed Martial Arts 1 or training in kickboxing and grappling.

PEMA 399 Special Studies: Women’s Self Defense II (1 credit)

This course is a continuation of the physical self-defense skills that are introduced in Women’s Self Defense I. The pace and challenge of the techniques will increase, and new skills will be introduced. Course format: two weekly 50-minute activity sessions. Prerequisites: Students must complete PEMA 116 Women’s Self Defense or PEMA 115 Self-Defense before enrolling in this course.