Running (PERU)

PERU 101 Fitness Walking

Introduction to recreational fitness designed to increase cardiovascular endurance and emphasizing walking with ease, efficiency and enjoyment.

PERU 131 Jog and Run

Introductory course where emphasis is placed on executing proper running mechanics, increasing one’s cardio-respiratory endurance and learning about injury prevention. Running distance from 1–3 miles.

PERU 331 5K Training I

Designed for runners who have established a running base and want to increase their speed and prepare for road races. Running distance from 3–5 miles.

Cost of attendance is the estimated cost to attend the UO for the academic year. The Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships provides estimates for cost of attendance information that goes beyond tuition and fees, and includes: living expenses (housing and food), books/supplies/equipment, transportation, and miscellaneous personal expenses.