PE Classes Master Syllabus


  1. Students must attend at least 80% of the total class meetings each term to pass the class and receive credit.
    1. MW or UH Classes: 1 credit (50 minutes): each student is allowed a maximum of four absences, regardless of the reason for the absence.
    2. Once-a-week classes and “11 session” classes: each student is allowed a maximum of two absences, regardless of the reason for the absence.
  2. Absences Defined: Missing a class due to any of the following reasons constitutes an absence: late registration; illness—with or without a physician's statement; injury; wedding or funeral; Outdoor Education, Camp Adventure, Athletic Department, Club Sports event or travel; skipping; or any other reason that keeps you from attending class. If you must miss a number of classes due to any of the above reasons, we encourage you to take the class non-credit if space is available.
  3. Injury and Illness: During weeks 1–8, you must withdraw from the class if illness or injury causes, or will cause, you to exceed the number of allowed absences. Instructors are not required to arrange for make-ups. If injured during weeks 9–10, you may be able to arrange an incomplete grade and write up a contract for completion with your instructor, or you may petition to withdraw through the Registrar's Office.


Students enrolled for credit will be evaluated in the following components:

  • physical—skill and ability
  • knowledge—written
  • affective—behavioral.

Your instructor will provide more specific grading information.

Non-Credit Enrollment

Non-credit enrollment is available in activity classes. Students can sign up for activity classes in the SRC Service Center.

General Information

  1. Safety Information:
    1. You participate at your own risk. We recommend that you have personal health and accident insurance since you are responsible for your own healthcare costs. You may be asked to secure a physician's statement clearing you to participate in this class.
    2. It is your responsibility to provide your instructor with information regarding injuries, surgeries, medications, or other special considerations which may affect your participation in class.
    3. In case of an accident, do not handle or clean up blood unless it is your own.
    4. The Department of Physical Education and Recreation has specific protocols regarding injury or illness during class. Your instructor will oversee these protocols and ask for help from the UO Police Department or the Eugene Fire Department when appropriate.
  2. Lockers: Backpacks and other personal belongings are generally not allowed in gyms and activity areas. You may rent a locker at the SRC Service Center. Day-use lockers are available free of charge. You may bring your own lock, or check one out from Equipment Issue, however ALL locks on day-use-only lockers must be removed and returned to Equipment Issue at the end of the day.
  3. Food, drinks, and chewing gum are not permitted in our facilities. Exception: plastic, covered water bottles.
  4. SRC entry: A UO ID is required for access to the Student Recreation Center.
  5. Cell phones must be turned off during class times.
  6. Evaluations: You will have the opportunity to evaluate your class and instructor at the end of the term. Your feedback is necessary for the improvement of our courses.

Accessibility Information

The University of Oregon is working to create inclusive learning environments. If there are aspects of the instruction or design of this course that result in barriers to your participation, please notify Chantelle Russell with PE and Rec as soon as possible. You are also encouraged to contact the Accessibility Education Center: 164 Oregon Hall, 541-346-1155, or

Class Descriptions

Check the class schedule for full descriptions and more information on particular classes.