Dee Bowden

Coordinator for Procurement and Capital Assets
Office Phone

Ask me about:

  • How our department has changed over the last 33 years
  • The many different things I purchase
  • My love for the Portland Trailblazers

Bio: Dee was born and raised in Oregon and loves everything about Oregon, including the rain.

She started working for PE and Rec in 1985 and since that time our department has been about change. The bulk of her time has been spent working in facilities, overseeing the custodial staff, and doing anything related to property control—from ordering equipment to inventory to disposal.

Her time is now spent ordering equipment and supplies for our department, doing contracts, inventory, property control, and serving as our department historian.

Dee cherishes the relationships that have lasted with former students that have left the nest and she truly enjoys working in our department.

StrengthsQuest Top 5: Developer, Empathy, Relator, Consistency, Responsibility