Nathaniel Lundin

Nathaniel Lundin
Mind Body Senior Instructor

Teaching Experience and Credentials:

  • BS (psychology, from UO no less) 
  • RYT 
  • Broga certified instructor 
  • Street Yoga certified instructor

Courses: Gentle yoga, Hatha Yoga I and II, Ashtanga Primary Series, Vinyasa Yoga 

The physical and psychological stress of functioning in an academic environment is beautifully offset by a vigorous yoga practice. I love teaching for PE and Rec because it gives me a unique opportunity to bring mindfulness, systematic self observation, relaxation techniques, and functional physical activity to a population that so desperately needs it. A healthy and effective practice can and should be a life-long tool for managing one's overall well being. It is my philosophy that yoga asana (postures) should be practiced in such a way that feels good, allowing for individual differences in preference, expression or intensity, thus making the practice self reinforcing and enjoyable.

Fun fact: In my spare time, I'm a gamer, cosplayer, and I stream on Twitch. I enjoy comics, Manga, and Anime, and I spend most of my free time in my personally tailored fantasy world.